Let’s make a plan, man
Regular maintenance, including small tune-ups, is what keeps cars and bikes, garages and houses, and your favorite tools of the trade at their best.
You, sir, deserve THE SAME attention YOU GIVE TO the things you like
Health is a long-haul project, and spending time on quick tune-ups along the way can help minimize major issues down the road.
Like any tune-up, you need to start by gathering the right tools. In this case, there’s only one: Get registered on MyCigna! (Check out this page for help, if you need it.)
Once you’ve signed up, you’re ready to get going.
Get your tune-up on MyCigna
In the time it takes to watch your favorite show or reheat some leftovers, you could seriously improve your mental and physical health.
Get an 18-point inspection
In less than 5 minutes, you’ll learn how to adapt to your unique strengths and challenges.
Get a customized plan to improve your health
Call (800) 244-6224 to connect with Cigna’s Lifestyle Management Program and get a custom-made, non-diet plan to build confidence and promote healthy habits.
Save on a gym membership or workout plan
$28/month covers your membership to any participating gym near you, plus access to thousands of online workouts on-demand. Search by ZIP code to find a gym near you.
Feel less angry, anxious, and/or sad
Talk to a coach one-on-one via private, text-based chat, straight from your smartphone.
For additional mental health support options, both virtual and in-person, visit our mental health page.
To get free, confidential, 24/7 support for a mental health or substance use crisis, call or text 988.
Make healthy eating easier
Visit FoodSmart to schedule a call with a registered dietitian, who can help you plan meals and create grocery lists.
Find support for substance use
Today’s the day you can move toward substance use recovery, using a confidential, 100% virtual program delivered through your phone.
Bonus: Level Up Your Sleep skills
Good sleep is essential for maintaining the hard work you’ve put into your tune-up, and you’re only a few clicks away from getting started… as soon as tonight!
Take a look around these resources for improving your health instead:
- 15 Science-Backed Tips to Sleep Better: Save this one for the end of the night; there’s a 2-minute visualization to wind down at the end.
- Huberman Lab: Tune in to the “Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake” episode, or scan their “Toolkit for Sleep” article
- How to Sleep Better as You Get Older: 40+ crowd, this one’s for you.
- Man Therapy Nationwide Resources Hub: An array of mental health podcasts, articles, and resources, hand-picked by Man Therapy’s own Rich Mahogany

Questions about your benefits?
We’re just an email or phone call away.