Check back throughout the year for information about upcoming fitness challenges, opportunities to earn prizes, and more.
Did you know that hypertension (high blood pressure) was the highest chronic condition by number of members on the State of Wyoming health plan? In 2022, there were 3,349 members with high blood pressure. What is high blood pressure? Click here to find out what your blood pressure numbers mean, and here to learn what you can do to keep numbers under control. Left untreated, the damage that high blood pressure does to your circulatory system is a significant contributing factor to heart attack, stroke, and other health threats.
Show your heart some love this February by adding some extra health to your month! To participate, you must be registered in Walkingspree. Earn 250 points each week for completing the step average for the week. For every 100 points you earn, you’ll automatically receive a raffle ticket for a $50 gift card. Gift card drawings are every quarter.
You don’t need to do anything to register for the Got Heart Challenge once you’ve registered for Walkingspree. More information is on the Walkingspree app itself. Go here to learn more about Walkingspree and how register and earn points.
Enjoy the Got Heart challenge!
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