Check back throughout the year for information about upcoming fitness challenges, opportunities to earn prizes, and more.
Earn 1000 Walkingspree points for participating in this challenge. See below for details.
The importance of mental health can’t be overstated, given that it impacts every part of our lives. Even so, we often let caring for our mental health take a back seat to other priorities. We ignore our needs until we’re burned out, isolated, or struggling with illness.
Let’s prioritize our mental health by committing to a 5-day challenge. Each day explores a different facet of mental health and contains a simple exercise for putting it into practice. In less than 15 minutes a day, you can improve your emotional well-being.
Missing a day or doing them out of order is no problem–these lessons will always be here for your reference. Come back to them when you’re ready. Also, be sure to check out the resources at the end of the course to continue your mental health journey.
More information coming soon!
If you are a State of Wyoming employee, join the challenge here:
If you are on the State of Wyoming health plan but don’t work for the State of Wyoming, join the challenge here:
Earn 1000 Walkingspree points for participating in this challenge. To earn the points, email [email protected] with short answers to the following questions: